The fee per session for distance BodyTalk is $150. For in-person BodyTalk and Qigong energy balancing sessions, please note: fees will increase to $160 as of January 1, 2025. You are welcome to pay by cash, check, Venmo, etc. Payment is required in advance for distance sessions by Venmo or PayPal.
Zoom (or FaceTime, Skype or phone) coaching sessions may be packaged as a follow-up to distance BodyTalk sessions. Julie has completed a year-long coaching mastery certification program through the Institute of Coaching Mastery and became a certified Jungian Life Coach in fall 2021. Julie offers sessions for those who wish to accelerate and sustain the conscious creation of a fulfilling life.
Four-week packages meeting once weekly combining energy clearing/balancing work (2 sessions) and transformational life coaching (2 sessions). FOR A LIMITED TIME (January-March 2025) I’m offering a 25% discount for this package.
Transformational Life Coaching packages are designed uniquely for each person and are offered in 12 week packages with an option to renew. Each package consists of one 60-minute session per week or three 90-minute sessions per month, with optional e-mail support between sessions
Please contact Julie for more information regarding coaching packages and pricing.
Coaching Client Comments:
I just want to take this time to truly thank you for coaching me. You made me feel safe, and seen. You have a special light that radiates, even through a screen. Thank you for believing in me and helping me to believe in myself. I will forever be grateful for the work we've done….
Julie has helped me tremendously, providing me with tools to work through obstacles.
She is an incredible soul, who has encouraged me to turn inward and address my challenges with grace and deep understanding. She is patient, and holds space for me to process my emotions. She gently guides me to find my own solutions, without pressure….
Julie…has kept me on track and helped me to break the task of putting together a vision plan into smaller chunks so that I am not overwhelmed. I appreciate the flexibility with which she responded to my needs and concerns and tailored the sessions to my specific needs…I have truly enjoyed the time and feel that [they have] been well spent which will propel me to take action to the next level. Thank you, Julie.
Here’s what a client shared after a distance BodyTalk session in May 2020:
After a recent session with Julie, I was taken back by her ability to one, connect with how I was feeling (without even telling her), and two, connect my emotions to physical parts of my body that were in pain. Once I released the emotion with her, the pain seemed to shift. I also became so much more aware of the impact my thoughts, beliefs and emotions were having on my physical health. Julie's insight and ability to make these mind/body connections have been extremely helpful in my healing process. Thank you, Julie!
K.F. Mancos, CO
Preparing for your BodyTalk Session:
For your first session, please allow 1 1/2 hours for BodyTalk™. Sessions thereafter require about an hour. (Qigong and coaching sessions take approximately 60 minutes.) It is helpful for you to wear comfortable clothing, including socks if your feet tend to get cold and no metal jewelry, belt buckles, etc.
It is suggested that you be well-hydrated and nourished before your session, avoid caffeine and plan to eat a good "grounding" meal after the session.
It’s also helpful to have a little quiet time and perhaps a walk outside for a smooth transition back to your daily life.
What to Expect During a BodyTalk™ or Qigong Session:
To begin, you recline on Julie’s massage table, fully clothed and adjustments made to make you comfortable with blankets, a bolster under your knees, whatever is needed. Julie sits at your side, with one hand lightly touching your arm and the other resting lightly on your abdomen. She takes a couple of minutes to settle in, to center and ground herself, silently asking to be led and guided on your behalf for your highest good.
In BodyTalk™, neuromuscular biofeedback or a gentle muscle checking is used to communicate with your body/mind. Julie applies a light pressure to the inside of your wrist and silently asks your body/mind to show a “yes” and a “no.” A “yes” will feel looser or without resistance. A “no” produces some muscle tightness or tension. She does this a few times to calibrate and feel a clear response. (Note: The highest level of accuracy expected with muscle checking is 70-80%. In the BodyTalk™ system, when the links are accurate, shifts occur. When there is error, nothing happens.)
Julie then begins exploring by following the complex BodyTalk™ procedural chart, silently asking “what is a priority” to facilitate optimal balance, harmony and communication between all parts of your being. Once the left brain (or thinking mind) has it’s “job” exploring the chart, right-brain creative/intuitive information comes in. For a simple example, your body/mind may take me to liver as a priority. Julie then asks if there are details about the liver (this is where more intuitive information comes in) and then if there is another “link.” Your body/mind may show that the communication or link is disrupted between the liver and the gallbladder. When a link is complete, Julie then “taps out” the link.
BodyTalk™ employs a light tapping procedure across both hemispheres of the brain to stimulate the neuropathways, as if saying, “Wake up and pay attention, Brain. Liver needs to communicate with the Gallbladder, remember”? Tapping also begins the process of moving the energy. (Some people may experience a physical sensation of energy moving during a session.) Julie then taps lightly in the area of the heart to help the body/mind “store” the reset or new information. There is much research now validating that information is stored within the heart complex and the heart disseminates information to the rest of the body/mind. We even have confirmation in our everyday language when we say, “I know that by heart.”
During a Red Hat Lineage Qigong session, you will be seated comfortably in a chair. Using hands both above and lightly touching the body, we balance and clear the chakras, meridians and the brain. Once everything is “flowing,” we then invite in clean yang (revitalizing and empowering) energy and clean yin (nourishing and replenishing) energy. The session concludes with connecting body, mind and spirit and grounding all three.
What to Expect After a BodyTalk™ or Qigong Session:
At the very least, you can expect to feel much more relaxed and clear than when you first came in. You may experience compassion for yourself, simply for your human experience and ways of coping. Sometimes, the shifts feel subtle as though you are seeing through a window that was dirty for years, but is now clean. Days or even weeks later, you may experience some “a-ha” moments, perhaps “connecting the dots” where before, you just had a nagging suspicion about something, but no real clarity.
Many times, persistent pain simply disappears or you may experience a feeling of more energy. Sometimes, the changes are dramatic when you’ve moved or cleared “blocked” energy and you suddenly feel courageous enough to make big changes. Listening deeply to the innate wisdom of your own being is a powerful way to live with more energy, ease and a deep sense of well-being, regardless of the ebb and flow of life.
Schedule your session with Julie or inquire about sessions. Please be sure to add the email address to your “safe senders” list. If you haven’t received a reply in 24 hours, please check your spam folder.
“Personal characteristics are of extreme importance for any professional, but most especially when we put ourselves in that sacred trust circle with a healer. You will be relieved to know that a session with Julie Gentry’s BodyTalk™ will fill you with an immediate sense of safety with her amazing, gifted hands and cosmic heart-connected power to heal your emotional, spiritual and physical wounds. You will find freedom from unconscious negative forces and be surprised and delighted when those forces are transformed into love, compassion (for self and others) creativity and the joy of life. You never need worry about confidential matters as her ethical system is as trustworthy as her heart.”
Psychoanalyst, Author, Artist
Ignacio, Colorado